About Lori

A woman with red hair wearing glasses and smiling.

Hello and welcome to Vegan Friendly Cooking!

Cooking has been my passion from the time I was old enough to open the refrigerator door. I loved experimenting with combinations of whatever happened to be in the refrigerator. Some of my creations were tastier than others, but my mom and brother bravely sampled just about everything I gleefully presented.

In college, I studied hotel and restaurant management, ultimately graduating with a BS in International Business and a minor in Spanish. Most of my professional career was spent running the family business, one of Florida’s largest real estate schools. As a licensed instructor, I and wrote and edited many of our courses.

In my free time, I continued to pursue my love of food, trying out new recipes and visiting as many restaurants as time and budget allowed. Best of all was cooking for family and friends and spending time in the kitchen with my children.

Fast forward to present day – my two sons are grown, I sold the real estate school, and left the beaches of Florida for the mountains and forests of North Carolina. I am embracing this auspicious moment in time to follow my true passions. Combining my natural talents in the kitchen with my teaching and writing experience is a truly a dream come true.

What you choose to eat – and not to eat – is a very personal choice. Anyone who is interested in including more plant-based meals into their diet is welcome here. I cannot wait to show you how to prepare delicious, healthy meals in a snap that you and your friends and family will rave about!

Join me on this new journey and explore the wonders of nature’s bounty.
