Vegan Friendly Cooking Inaugural Edition

Someone offers fresh tomatoes at a market stand

Hello Friends, Welcome to Vegan Friendly Cooking! I am so happy you stopped by. Teaching you how to easily prepare delicious plant-based meals your friends and family will rave about is truly a dream come true. I spent most of my adult life running the family business, a real estate school. While I enjoyed helping… Continue reading Vegan Friendly Cooking Inaugural Edition

Easy Vegan Pie Crust

In my opinion, every rave-worthy pot pie starts with two crusts. Two homemade crusts. Don’t worry, making your own pie crust is surprisingly easy.

Cooking Basics – Tips

Even the most experienced cooks have the occasional kitchen disaster. There’s nothing more frustrating than spending an hour or so making dinner or baking a special treat only to have it flop. Here are some helpful tips for novices and reminders for pros:

Plant Based vs Vegan

Plant Based vs. Vegan Have you been considering adopting a Plant-Based Diet? Good news…you are not alone! Perhaps you are wondering exactly what that means. Not surprisingly, it focuses on plants, including vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts. Some people add small amounts of dairy and eggs while others choose plant-based meals for… Continue reading Plant Based vs Vegan